Dr Melissa Harrison

Principal Clinical Psychologist

BBSC, BSocSci(Psych)(Hons), DPsych(Clin), MACPA

“Quote or Hero text” – Melissa Harrison

Dr Melissa Harrison is a Registered Psychologist with Clinical endorsement with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). She holds Full Membership with the Institute of Clinical Psychologists (ICP), the Australian Clinical Psychologists Association (ACPA), the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC), Pacifica Congress, the Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law (ANZAPPL), and the International Society of Schema Therapy (ISST).

Melissa was awarded a Bachelor of Behavioural Science in 2004 from LaTrobe University, and a Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology) (Honours) in 2006 from Charles Sturt University, following which she completed two years of supervised practice and obtained Psychologist Registration. Afterwards she completed a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology with Charles Sturt University in 2018. Her Doctoral dissertation focused on parenting and specifically examined the relationship between impulsivity, parenting knowledge, and parental disciplinary style. Melissa is currently studying for a Masters in Forensic Mental Health with the University of New South Wales (UNSW; Faculty of Medicine, School of Psychiatry). She served as an AHPRA approved supervisor of Psychologist trainees (Provisionally Registered and Clinical Psychologist Registrars) for over a decade.

Melissa has been working in the field of psychology since 2004, in public and private settings, with children, adults, couples and families (particularly with high risk and high need populations). She has over 17 years’ experience conducting medico-legal assessments for various Courts and Tribunals. Melissa has previously worked as an Assessment Specialist within adult corrections. Currently, she conducts Parenting Capacity Assessments for the Department of Communities, Criminal Injuries Assessments for the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, Capacity Assessments for the State Administrative Tribunal, and Psychological Assessments under Workers’ Compensation inter alia. She is a Single Expert Witness for the Family Court of Western Australia.

Presently, Melissa works in private practice delivering assessment and treatment services. She provides psychological therapy for a wide range of conditions including (but not limited to) depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship issues, sleep disorders, substance use disorders, self-harm, and domestic violence support. She has extensive experience working with children who have suffered developmental trauma and disrupted attachment. Melissa’s previous roles include Child Abuse and Neglect Counsellor, and Sexual Assault Worker (child and adult).


Ph: 08 9751 1084
F: 08 9716 7373
E: [email protected]


Busselton:  181 Bussell Highway, Busselton WA 6280

Bunbury:  Unit 2, Marlston Offices, 11/13 Victoria Street, Bunbury WA 6230

Manjimup:  Southern Forests Medical Centre, 4 Lock St, Manjimup WA 6258

The Nudge Group

The Nudge Group is a locally owned private practice offering best practise, evidence-based services in psychological assessment and treatment of mental health disorders, relationship and sexual problems, as well as developmental and behavioural disorders in children.

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We acknowledge we are practising on the unceded land of the Wardandi and Bibbulman clans of the Noongar People. We pay our respects to their elders; past, present, and emerging. We recognise and celebrate the first peoples’ connection to the land, sky, waters and community. We pay our respects to the ongoing traditions of health knowledge and healing which have been practiced here for hundreds of generations.